More Good News

We are proud of one of our incredible high school tutors, Aiden, who has been with us for four years and was highlighted in the SD Union Tribune for his academic accomplishments, selfless service and his ability to overcome his own challenges.    Not only has Aiden served tirelessly as both a virtual and in-person tutor, he has encouraged…

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A Whole New World

SDRT’s mission is to provide holistic academic support for our students and sometimes that means making sure our kids can SEE!  We have teamed up with Dr. Meredith Walton and North Park Optometry to help several of our students get free exams, glasses, and follow-up. This soon-to-be first grader is the latest recipient of’ a whole new…

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Jodi Maroney Memorial Scholarship recipents

Habon, pictured above, entered our country as a refugee and was immediately placed in seventh grade over a decade ago. She received the SDRT Jodi Maroney Scholarship multiple years in a row and we are proud to announce that she just graduated with a four-year degree in Psychology from SDSU and has plans to pursue a Master’s! And, if that…

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Maybe Cotton Candy Day Described It Better!

It’s a toss up whether our kids liked the 101 bikes that Terry brought from Kids Bike Day or the free cotton candy! Huge thanks to SDRT board member, Laura, and SDRT sustaining partner, Niall, for committing their entire selves (including hair and clothing) to cotton candy floss for three hours straight! It was more than icing on the Bike Day cake!And,…

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“The Wheels On the Bus Go…”

The bus engine barely started and all fifty students broke out into, “The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round, Round and Round,” as we rolled out of City Heights early last Saturday morning. Within minutes, we heard kids shouting and pointing at mountains, the Kensington ones, on our way down Fairmount Avenue headed to the 8…

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They Come Anyway

It might be cold and dark outside and they may not have a jacket, but they still come. Their parents may not be home to remind them what time it is, but theymanage to get here. There may not always be enough tutors, but they show up each week anyway.  This past week, we had three high school students beg to come inside even though there…

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“She looks like ME!”

This student was beside herself with the holiday gift she got to choose on Thursday night. She excitedly proclaimed to the SDRT staff, “She looks just like me!” She couldn’t stop smiling. THANK YOU for purchasing all of our elementary holiday gifts in less than 30 hours! We had the best assortment for kids to choose from. Every single child picked just what they…

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From Our Family to Yours

We hope you have a lovely celebration today with friends, family, and love. We can’t help but say how full our hearts are because of the genuine, loving SDRT community, which includes YOU! Thanks for all that you give to the SDRT community. If you didn’t get to join us this past Saturday, enjoy taking…

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Did You Read it Yet? 

Our First Annual Impact Report Team SDRT has had a significant impact on both students and volunteers for the last fourteen years. We finally consolidated an entire year’s worth of accomplishments and are beyond excited to share it with you! You all are a significant part of this impact.. Your time, commitment and financial resources are what make this impact possible. LINK TO IMPACT REPORT…

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Meet Our Scholarship Recipients.

Thanks to the Jodi Maroney Memorial Scholarship Fund (Jodi is featured with a SDRT student in the photo above), we have the privilege of supporting students’ dreams once they finish high school. SDRT selected seven college students representing a combination of current and former tutoring recipients for the 2023 Jodi Maroney Memorial Scholarship. They received a total of $7200 in individual scholarships. Now in its…

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