How You Can Help

We Need Tutors!

The best way to help out is to give your time on Tuesday and/or Thursday in person at Ibarra Elementary School from 5–6:30 p.m.

We need all Tues/Thurs tutors to REGISTER with us, as well as sign-up to volunteer shifts in advance.  
If it is your first time, you must also attend a New Tutor Orientation session before being able to tutor a student. Volunteers are not required to have any formal training in education or teaching, but they must speak English fluently and be committed to attending at least one tutoring session per week for the duration of the school year. This would be a 7-month commitment, which includes Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring breaks that overlap with the school’s academic calendar.

Tutor with Friends!

We’re looking for groups of 4-6 people to commit to coming to the same Tuesday or Thursday every week. Do you have a group of coworkers, a team, a small group or a club that might be interested in committing to tutoring once a week? If so, make sure to attend a New Tutor Orientation together to get started!

Other Ways to Give!

Donate Goods:

Our needs are constantly changing based on what we are doing.
In the fall, we stock up on healthy snacks and water.
In the winter, we collect hygiene products and new books.
In the spring and summer, we raise money for field trips.
Go to our latest newsletter to find out what we are in need of most right now. We have an Amazon book wish list with many beautiful, culturally-relevant books that we wish to add to our library.
Contact [email protected] for more information.

Donate Funds:

Please visit our Give page to support us financially.
In addition to monetary donations, we also accept gift cards to Target, Walmart, and Costco for our operating supplies, as well as $10 gift cards to Subway, El Pollo Loco, and Starbucks as incentives for our high school students.