“The Wheels On the Bus Go…”

The bus engine barely started and all fifty students broke out into, “The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round, Round and Round,” as we rolled out of City Heights early last Saturday morning. Within minutes, we heard kids shouting and pointing at mountains, the Kensington ones, on our way down Fairmount Avenue headed to the 8 freeway. The energy on that bus was palpable. Once the “Safari Park” sign came into view, all fifty began chanting, “Sa-far-ee Park! Sa-far-ee Park! Sa-far-ee Park!”


We had our own private animal encounter with a porcupine, a long walk to the tram and so many animal sightings in the African savanna. Half of the bus was asleep before hitting the 15 freeway on our way home! We had fun. We learned. Students and tutors got to know each other better.

We made memories. 

We also built background knowledge that will make us better readers as we now have an experience to draw on when we read about zoos, safaris, animal habitats, and so much more.

A huge thanks to Arts Bus Express for helping pay for our bus. Thank you to MANY OF YOU for sponsoring each and every student. And, thank you to the 30+ chaperones who gave up their day and tried their hardest to keep up with our kids! 

About Jess

Happy to be apart of the SDRT community.

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