It’s Time to Get Ready for a New School Year!

SDRT attended St. Mark’s Annual Back-2-School Bash yesterday (169 of us in all!) to help our kids get ready for their new school year. They got new shoes, socks, backpacks, books, uniforms and even haircuts. Every child left overjoyed with their new items. Now, we have tasks we need you to do to get ready for our new year of tutoring. Tutoring starts on Sept. 24th!
- Please update your background check now for this school year! This is for returning tutors ONLY. This can take a few weeks so do it ASAP. Also, all returning tutors need to sign up for a Returning Tutor Refresher on Sept. 12th or 17th.
- All NEW tutors can sign up for a New Tutor Orientation on Sept. 12 or 17th. New tutors can get a head start by registering here before orientation.
- EVERYONE: Hit the Back-to-School Sales for SDRT! Or, if you’d prefer to let us do the shopping, donate here! The start of the school year is expensive for SDRT. You will find our shopping list below.
Our Shopping List:

- Kids’ Z-bars (we need over 1,000 for the fall trimester alone)
- Plastic two pocket, 3 prong folders like these (we need 200 of these ASAP) These need to be plastic, not paper or cardboard.
- Flats of bottles of water for our middle/high school rooms
- Individually packaged healthy snacks for our middle/high school rooms such as fruit leather, bags of popcorn or baked chips, seaweed, fig bars, etc.
- Fun pencils & fun erasers (prizes)
- Gift cards for Costco or Target
- Gift cards for Lakeshore Learning for new learning games
- Kleenex
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Mechanical pencils and #2 pencils
All items can be shipped to us or brought to tutoring at the start of the school year. We listed these specific items because we will use them immediately. While we will accept other items, we would prefer that we receive these items first if at all possible as we are currently out of stock or running low on the items listed.
Can You Sort?

We have clothing to sort! Can you come for 1-3 hours this week and help us sort items for students? We’d like to distribute clothes soon! Contact Melissa through our contact form.
We Start Tutoring on Sept. 24th!
Please RSVP Now!