Not an Empty Seat!

Kids arrived earlier than they do on a school day to make sure they didn’t miss the bus last Saturday morning! With the majority having never experienced watching a movie at a theater, they were in for a treat. The bus filled up in an instant with palpable Dogman energy. 

Though there was a slight blunder upon arrival (managers were very late!), our SDRT motto held true: Everything always works out!

The kids got their treats and seats, the movie began and the laughter ensued. There was not one empty seat in that theater!

All our kids applauded at the end while some even danced on ‘stage’ while the credits rolled. We topped it off with a delicious lunch before parents arrived.

Thank you to all those who accompanied us on this joyous adventure. Allowing our kids to be kids on a Saturday morning and make memories in their new country in a safe, supported way is a gift. We appreciate all of you who donate to make experiences like these possible. 

Student showing off his Dogman art at tutoring this past week!

About Jess

Happy to be apart of the SDRT community.

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