How You Can Help Our Kids

It has now been one month since we have been at home. Read to find out how you can help our students and their families.
After delivering food and/or hygiene supplies to 18 families and “Home Libraries” plus homework to 16 families this week, we are now running short on supplies. A month ago, many of you came through and delivered essential items to us at our collection site. We scrounged books from all over (and had one amazing tutor come through with 10 boxes of high quality books she collected from friends) to create these boxes. But, now, we are running very low. We all are rarely going to the store and the ‘stay at home’ order makes things more challenging. We will need to get creative.

We have created an Amazon Wish List for supplies and books.
Can you take a look at it and send some items to us? Can you send it to a few family members and friends? We cannot make more “Home Libraries” until we get more books. Also, our students mostly have large families and live in tiny spaces. Now that they are getting their computer devices, they’ll needheadphones to accommodate multiple lessons happening in one room.
**Please note: Not all supplies are in stock on Amazon and some won’t ship for weeks. If you cannot find these items on Amazon that ship soon (their inventory is constantly changing), please order them from another site and email us for a shipping address. That is often easier!
You can check out our Amazon Wish List here or see below for items we currently need:
-books (grades K-6 preferred, including graphic novels)
-100 headphones (see Amazon list for type)
-soap: hand soap, bars of soap, dish soap
-cleaning spray
-laundry detergent
-diapers sizes 4, 5 or 6
-feminine pads
-rice and pasta

This week, our students’ parents were particularly grateful to see us! Books and homework are one of the main items they are asking for. When talking with one parent on the phone to assess needs, she asked if we could deliver books and homework, “right now!”

Thank you for your generous support, creativity and commitment to our kids. Their eyes light up when they see us (it takes a bit for them to recognize us with our masks!). We’ve always known that, “It takes a village,” and this season is reminding us of that!

Hi I am wondering if you are still in need of supplies for home libraries? I would love to contribute/help if there is still a need.
Hi, my sister and I have some brand new office supplies (pens, etc) and would love to donate to SD Refugee Tutoring. Pls. advice. Thanks.
You can email me a location to drop off.
[email protected]