Jodi Maroney Memorial Scholarship recipents

Habon, pictured above, entered our country as a refugee and was immediately placed in seventh grade over a decade ago. She received the SDRT Jodi Maroney Scholarship multiple years in a row and we are proud to announce that she just graduated with a four-year degree in Psychology from SDSU and has plans to pursue a Master’s!

And, if that is not enough good news, we are overjoyed to share that SDRT awarded six more SDRT students with Jodi Maroney Scholarships last month, totaling $8,000. 

Like Habon, each of these six students will pursue a higher level of education, from community colleges to private four-year universities. We’d like you to meet three.

Paw Say

In Paw Say’s words, “Immigrating to the U.S. as a refugee was a major shift, not only culturally but also with my education. I constantly felt I was behind. I wanted to make my parents proud. I wanted to be successful given that they risked their lives to flee a refugee camp, in order to come to America.With the help of SDRT, I was able to excel in my education.

Paw Say was received SDRT’s support for the last 11 years, even while living in Minnesota. A huge thanks to the SDRT community who surrounded her all of these years. She starts college in the fall. 


Mmbekalo would like to study Kinesiology and as an athlete himself, learn more about how the human body works and how he can improve his fitness. He hopes to become a personal trainer or physical therapist.

In his words, “As a refugee student, I believe that education has changed my life.”  Mmbekalo also starts college in the fall. 


Sarah also arrived to the U.S. in middle school. She has persistently sought help over the years.

In her words, “SDRT has been the best people. They are there for us whenever we need help.” That is a testament to all of you who show up week after week for our students, encouraging them to study, read, and not give up on their education.

For some, especially those who arrive in upper elementary and middle school or high school, the challenges are daunting. Sarah will continue her college education in the fall and hopes to become a social worker, helping others in need.

As our kids grow up, more are graduating, which means we need more scholarship funds. What better investment is there than an investment in education? Our students’ educational success will uplift their entire families.

Will you consider giving to this Scholarship Fund? 


About Jess

Happy to be apart of the SDRT community.

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