We Celebrate Success!
San Diego Refugee Tutoring exists to support our students and their academic growth.
When parents cannot show up to celebrate their kids, we do. And, if parents do show up, we congratulate them as well. At each End-of-Trimester Award Ceremony at Ibarra Elementary, San Diego Refugee Tutoring celebrates each SDRT student recognized with a rose and a congratulatory handshake or high-five. The latest ceremony was no different. Several of our kids had no family in the audience as they stood on stage with timid smiles and wobbly knees. We cheered for them. We took their photos. And we kept instilling in them what SDRT does best: Education matters. Your success at school matters. You matter.
Thanks to the ten SDRT volunteers who showed up! We had 30 of our kids receive awards. Thanks to all the tutors who support our kids year-round. It clearly makes a difference.
Consider joining this incredible SDRT community in 2020. Make a difference in the life of a child. Make a difference in your life, too. We look forward to a new trimester starting January 28th, 2020.