Stories of Growth: Nyunt

This is one of our many “Stories of Growth” in our latest Giving Tuesday Series.

Nyunt is hardly recognizable as she has blossomed from a little girl into a teenager during her time at SDRT.

She is adamant about attending tutoring regularly in order to get help with her homework and to “have a good day”. Much like many of our other students, she wants to learn how to read and do math.

“There is no one at my house to help me with my homework. No one.”


Though kids typically want less help with homework as they get older, Nyunt’s desire to be at tutoring has grown and grown. Nyunt expresses that if SDRT did not exist, she would have to do her homework at home.

“There is no one at my house to help me with my homework. No one.”

When asked what she would do then, she simply said, “I would go to Rob and Mimi’s house!” (Rob and Mimi were her first tutors.) 

San Diego Refugee Tutoring’s story is one of growth. Ten years ago, we tutored 10 kids once a week; today, we tutor 85 kids twice a week. But the greater story of growth is not our numbers but in our students themselves.

The kids who once avoided homework now eagerly come to tutoring seeking help. The ones who arrived in the US without knowing the English alphabet are now flying through chapter books. They come to tutoring and unfold their homework because they believe that they just might be able to do it. This growth in confidence cannot be quantified; it’s immeasurable. 

SDRT is the only accessible academic support for most of our kids. Will you partner with us so we can continue to provide this valuable support for each and every one of our students?

Donate to Our Giving Tuesday Campaign

Help kids get the dedicated and customized tutoring they need to succeed at San Diego Refugee Tutoring.

About Melissa Phillips

Melissa Phillips is one of the founders of San Diego Refugee Tutoring and currently serves as its Program Director. She has four incredible children, many years of teaching experience, and a supportive husband who also works in education.


  1. Joan Sadorf on December 5, 2019 at 10:08 am

    I was her tutor for a short time as well. She is a wonderful girl, full of life and ready to tackle her future head on. Always smiling.

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