Stories of Growth: Hassan

This is one of our many “Stories of Growth” in our latest Giving Tuesday Series.

When Hassan first joined SDRT, he needed to practice his reading consistently, but as with most kids, video games and soccer were much more appealing. That changed when he met Katie, his “favorite tutor of all time”. Katie was an impetus to Hassan’s academic development.

Hassan was grade levels behind in reading, but with Katie’s faithful attendance on both Tuesdays and Thursdays for two years, Hassan gained the skills and confidence to tackle reading entire chapter books. At first, they each took turns reading a page of a book. Over time, the training wheels came off, and Hassan began picking up books and reading them on his own.

Over time, the training wheels came off, and Hassan began picking up books and reading them on his own.

Hassan now boldly faces fifth grade work and confidently attacks complex math word problems. Beyond just literacy, learning to read has given him the ability to comprehend abstract concepts. Today, you can find him at tutoring reading through his favorite chapter book series with his new, consistent tutor, who he also likes very much!

San Diego Refugee Tutoring’s story is one of growth. Ten years ago, we tutored 10 kids once a week; today, we tutor 85 kids twice a week. But the greater story of growth is not our numbers but in our students themselves.

The kids who once avoided homework now eagerly come to tutoring seeking help. The ones who arrived in the US without knowing the English alphabet are now flying through chapter books. They come to tutoring and unfold their homework because they believe that they just might be able to do it. This growth in confidence cannot be quantified; it’s immeasurable. 

SDRT is the only accessible academic support for most of our kids. Will you partner with us so we can continue to provide this valuable support for each and every one of our students?

Donate to Our Giving Tuesday Campaign

Help kids get the dedicated and customized tutoring they need to succeed at San Diego Refugee Tutoring.

About Melissa Phillips

Melissa Phillips is one of the founders of San Diego Refugee Tutoring and currently serves as its Program Director. She has four incredible children, many years of teaching experience, and a supportive husband who also works in education.


  1. Gjoe on December 1, 2019 at 7:19 am


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