Bikes + Ice Cream Truck + Vans = Success!

Big wheels, scooters, mountain bikes and everything in between could be found at this year’s Bike Day thanks to Terry and Alexia at Kids’ Bike Day. While our 125 students were not riding voraciously around our marked tracks, they could be spotted wolfing down a burger or hot dog freshly grilled by Hope for San Diego volunteers or selecting a new pair of shoes thanks in part to a grant from the Union Tribune. Every family left with a bag of hygiene products and incredible produce that Sprouts in Chula Vista provided. No child walked away without a dripping, cold treat they selected from the ice cream truck that SDRT surprised everyone with! It was a terrific way to end our winter trimester and get ready for our final push in the spring!

SDRT cannot pull off such extraordinary events without the help of the village. Thank you to the SDRT community who purchased pencils and hygiene products for our students. Your monetary donations allowed us to buy students the books they requested, lunch and so many pairs of Vans shoes! Thank you to each of you who donated your time on the day of the event- it took almost 100 folks to pull that off! Thanks to the National Charity League, who gave both their resources and their time.
SDRT needs your financial support to continue to run such an amazing program for our students. We hope you will consider giving now.

Several kids learned to ride a bike for the very first time! We set up a section for them to practice safely. Many of our younger students ate lunch on their tricycles because they just couldn’t fathom getting off!

We now have SDRT high school students that have started volunteering with our program in addition to receiving support from SDRT. It is exciting to watch our kids grow up and give back to their community.

THANK YOU, Terry and Alexia!